How to Save on Water Bill in Apartment

How to Save on Water Bill in Apartment

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Last Updated on December 5, 2021 by Kelvin Nielsen

Water contributes noticeably to an apartment’s utility bill. While it’s typically inexpensive, reckless water usage can spike your bill significantly.

Generally speaking, the water bill of your rental apartment depends on its size and number of people residing in it. For instance, if you’re living in a one-bedroom apartment, you will pay more for water than one renting a studio apartment. Likewise, three people sharing an apartment will pay more than a person living solo.

Simply put, water usage is directly proportional to the number of users in a residence.

While you can’t control certain factors, there are some which you can. For example, the duration of time you stay in the shower. If you can shorten this, then you can spend less on water. Also, if you repair faucets that leak, you can considerably trim the water bill.

The following are 10 tips on how to save on water bill in apartment.

1. Fix leaky faucets.

The first thing you want to do is repair leaky faucets. It’s true, dripping is all they do but, in the long run, those drops count. According to the US Geological Survey, a faucet that loses a drop per second can waste up to 2,082 gallons a year. So, head to your nearest hardware store and purchase a repair kit or new faucets to replace the leaking ones.

2. Run full loads of laundry.

Running your washing machine now and then to clean a few clothes wastes a lot of water. On top, it wastes power and causes wear and tear to your washer. Rather than washing a few clothes frequently, do big loads of laundry once and for all.

3. Shorten your showers.

It’s a fact, long showers are luxurious and relaxing. However, they can significantly drive up the water bill.

As per the EPA, the standard showerhead uses approximately 2.5 gallons of water per minute. If your shower lasts 10 minutes, that’s a good 25 gallons! Cut this by half by limiting your showers to 5 minutes. One effective trick to spend only 5 minutes in the bathroom is listening to a 5-minute song.

4. Install low-flow showerheads.

Dated and inefficient showerheads also play a big role towards a big water bill. This is owing to the big flow rate they have. While you can adjust the flow rate, your best shot to minimize water wastage is by installing efficient, low-flow showerheads. Going by the federal Energy Act of 1992, a shower head’s flow rate shouldn’t exceed 2.5 gallons per minute.

5. Invest in a dishwasher.

Given the big size of a dishwasher, it’s easy to assume that it’s the culprit behind your big water bill. But the fact is, dishwashers use very little water. Actually, the amount of water a dishwasher uses could be four times lesser than the amount used in handwashing. 

It’s even a better idea to go for an Energy Star-rated dishwasher. These dishwashers only use 3 gallons per cycle and are energy-efficient. When using a dishwasher, you can save water by skipping the pre-clean rinse and doing fewer cycles in a day.

6. Add aerators to your faucets.

Aerators can significantly cut down water wastage. What they do is add air into the water stream, reducing the amount of water flowing through the faucet head. Besides reducing water flow, aerators increase water pressure. So, you benefit twice: a lower water bill and increased performance.

7. Water your lawn at the right time.

Although you might be doing it the right way, you’re probably wasting a lot of water if you’re watering at the wrong time. In particular, avoid midday watering, which leads to wasteful evaporation. The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning; that is, between 6 and 8 a.m. Avoid night watering, as well. It leaves water drops clinging on the grass, raising the chances of lawn diseases.

8. Install low-flow toilets.

Even though toilets are pretty much alike, the amount of water released per flush varies from one toilet to another. Broadly speaking, older toilets use more water. Dated toilets made in the 80s or earlier use 5-7 gallons per flush. On the other hand, modern, low-flow toilets can use as little as 1.3 gallons per flush. If you’re still using a dated toilet, upgrade to an efficient one to slash the water bill.

9. Don’t leave the bathroom faucet running.

When brushing teeth or shaving, most people leave the faucet running. While it might not seem like a big deal, it’s needlessly wasteful. Rather than letting the faucet run, fill the sink before the shave and turn the faucet off while brushing.

10. Collect rainwater.

This is a no-brainer. Don’t watch as the free and pristine rainwater goes down the drain. All you need to do is install gutters and have a cistern or large container where the water will be collecting. You can use this water for watering your lawn or garden.

There you have it – 10 ways to save on water bill in apartment. Has your water bill been extremely high lately? If so, you now know some of the reasons why. Use the above tips to trim your water bill.