Last Updated on February 2, 2025 by Kelvin Nielsen
Absolutely! As a tenant, you have a right to get your security deposit back when you move out, minus any allowable deductions.
State landlord-tenant laws grant landlords the right to charge tenants a security deposit. But, the specific amount the landlord can charge you as a security deposit will depend on a myriad of factors.
Including, state and local laws, as well as whether the unit is furnished or not. But generally speaking, the amount usually ranges between the equivalent of one- and two months’ rent. Suppose, for instance, the monthly rent on a unit is, say, $1,000. In such a case, the security deposit amount can range between $1,000 and $2,000.
Here is a detailed guide on how much landlords charge as security deposits across all 50 U.S. states.
That said, your landlord must return your security deposit, less any allowable deductions, when you move out. Here’s the timeframe that landlords across the US must abide by!
How Long Does a Landlord Have to Return a Tenant’s Security Deposit?
Landlords must return their tenants’ security deposits, less any allowable deductions, within a certain duration after moving out. If the landlord fails to do so, the tenant has a right to sue for the wrongfully withheld amounts.
The following are the specific timeframes landlords across the 50 U.S. states must abide by when returning their tenants’ security deposits.
Landlords must return a tenant’s security deposit within 35 days of the tenant’s move-out. If the landlord doesn’t do so, they could be liable for paying you up to 2X the wrongfully withheld amount.
Landlords in Alaska are required to return the security deposit within 14 days after the tenant vacates the property. If the landlord makes deductions, then they will have up to 30 days to return the remaining portion of the deposit. They must also provide you with an itemized statement of the deductions made.
The penalty for return can be up to 2X the wrongfully withheld amount.
As per Arizona state§§12-1171 to 12- 1183, Arizona landlords have 14 business days to return any unused portion of the security deposit. The countdown begins when either of three things happens.
That is, the tenant ends the tenancy, requests for the return of the deposit, or moves out of the unit.
The penalty for wrongful withholding for Arizona landlords is up to 3X the wrongfully withheld amount.
Landlords should return the security deposit within 60 days of the termination of the tenancy.
The penalty for late return by the landlord is 2X the amount due, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
Landlords must return the security deposit within 21 days after the tenant moves out. This notice must include an itemized statement indicating the amount of the security deposit received and if any deductions have been taken from the security deposit.
The penalty for late return is 2X the wrongfully withheld amount.
The landlord has 72 hours after the tenant’s move-out to deliver to the tenant all of the security deposit plus any rent owed to the tenant. If the 72 hrs. falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the security deposit must be delivered by noon on the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
The penalty for late return is 2X the security deposit amount.
Landlords must usually return the tenant’s security deposit minus any lawful deductions, within 30 days of tenant move-out.
The penalty for late return or illegal withholding is 2X the security deposit, plus court costs.
If there are no itemized deductions to be made from the security deposit, the landlord shall return the security deposit within 20 days after the expiration of the tenancy.
If the landlord doesn’t return the deposit within 20 days, they can become liable to paying the tenant 2X the amount due, plus court costs.
Landlords must return the security deposit within 15 days of lease termination along with any interest the tenant has earned on the security deposit. If the landlord deducts expenses, they will have 30 days to return the security deposit along with a written statement of those deductions.
The landlord must send the written statement of deductions to the tenant’s last known forwarding address. As such, landlords have up to 60 days to return the tenant’s deposit after they move out.
The penalty for illegal withholding of the tenant’s deposit can attract a penalty of the amount withheld, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
Landlords have one month after the tenant moves out to return their security deposit. The deposit should be sent to the tenant’s last known address.
The penalty for late return is 3X the amount wrongfully withheld, plus attorneys’ fees.
Tenants have the right to have security deposits returned within 14 days of moving out. Landlords must mail deposits to each tenant’s last known address along with the itemized list of any deductions taken from the deposit.
If the landlord doesn’t return the security deposit within 14 days, you can sue them for the full deposit, plus 3X the amount due and court costs.
Landlords must return the tenant’s security deposit within 30 days after the surrender of the premises by the tenant. It should be accompanied by a signed statement itemizing the amounts lawfully retained by the landlord, the purpose of the amounts retained, and the detailed list of expenditures made from the deposit.
If the landlord fails to return the deposit within 21 days, you can move to court and sue for 3X the deposit amount, plus court and attorney fees.
The landlord has 30 days from the date the tenant moves out to return the security deposit. If deductions are being taken from the deposit, the IL landlord must give the tenant a written notice by mail or by personal delivery as to their intention to keep all or part of their security deposit.
The penalty for late return is 2X the deposit, plus the amount wrongly withheld, plus court and attorney fees.
Landlords have 45 days after the lease is terminated and the tenant moves out to return the portion of the tenant’s security deposit that is owed to the tenant as either a check or money order.
The penalty for late return is the security deposit amount, plus court and attorney fees.
Landlords have to return the portion of the tenant’s security deposit that is owed to the tenant within 30 days of move-out.
The penalty for late return is the deposit, plus 2X the rent, plus actual damages, and attorney fees.
Landlords have 30 days after a tenant moves out to return the portion of the tenant’s security deposit that is owed back to the tenant.
If the tenant makes no claim on the deposit after 30 days, the landlord must mail the portion of the deposit owed to the tenant and the written notice to the tenant’s last known address.
If the landlord fails to return the deposit within 30 days, the tenant can sue for up to the 1.5X the amount due.
As per KRS 383.580, landlords have 60 days from the date of termination of the lease or the surrender and acceptance of the premises, whichever occurs last, to return the deposit.
Security deposits should be returned by the landlord one month after the lease terminates, except when the landlord may have to retain all or a portion of the security deposit due to damages caused or the itemized list present.
The penalty for return is 2X the amount due, plus court costs and attorney fees.
The landlord shall return the full security deposit within 30 days after a tenant move-out not unless there is a reason for the landlord to retain full or a portion of the deposit, the landlord should give a written statement itemizing the reasons for retention of the security deposit or a portion of it.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount due, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
The landlord has 45 days from the date of the tenant move-out to return all, or a portion of the tenant’s security deposit plus any interest. This must be sent by first-class mail to the last known address of the tenant.
The penalty for late return is 4X the amount due, plus attorney fees.
The security deposit, less any deductions, must be returned to the tenant 30 days after the end of the tenancy.
The penalty for late return is 3X the amount, plus 5% interest, plus court costs, and attorney fees.
A landlord has 30 days from the tenant’s move-out to return the tenant’s security deposit to the forwarding address provided.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount wrongfully withheld.
Landlords must typically return a tenant’s security deposit within three weeks of tenant move-out. The exception to this rule is if the tenant has to move out because the entire building has been condemned.
In this case, the landlord only has 5days from tenant move-out to return the deposit.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount due, plus $500.
Any remaining portion of such payment or deposit shall be returned to the tenant no later than 45 days after the termination of the tenancy.
The penalty for late return is $200, plus actual damages.
Once a tenant moves out of a rental, a landlord has 30 days to return the tenant’s security deposit.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount wrongfully withheld.
The landlord should return a tenant’s security deposit within 30 days of the tenant’s move-out and shall provide the tenant with a written list of any damages caused.
If the landlord fails to return your deposit within 30 days, you can move to court and sue them up to 2X the amount due, plus court and attorney fees.
The security deposit should be returned within 14 days of the tenant’s move-out. If there is any written itemization, it should be delivered and mailed to the tenant.
If the landlord unlawfully withholds the deposit, you can sue them in a small claims court. This can make them liable for paying you the amount due, plus 2X deposit or 1 month’s rent, and court- and attorney fees.
Landlords must return a tenant’s security deposit or surety, minus any legal deductions to the tenant within 30 days of lease termination.
Landlords in Nebraska who fail in this responsibility can be held liable for paying the tenant 2X the deposit amount.
New Hampshire
A landlord must return the portion of the tenant’s security deposit that is owed to the tenant, along with any accrued interest, within 30 days of the tenant’s move-out. This deposit should be mailed via certified mail to the last known address of the tenant.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount due.
New Jersey
Within 30 days of the termination of the tenancy, the landlord should return by personal delivery or by mail the security deposit and the interest earned accumulated thereon, less any charges expended in accordance with the terms of the contract.
The penalty for late return of the tenant’s deposit is capped at 2X the amount wrongfully withheld, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
New Mexico
A landlord must return the security deposit within 30 days of the termination lease. The landlord must also include a written statement if any of the money will not be returned.
The penalty for late return is the security deposit amount, plus $250 and court costs (and attorneys’ fees in some cases).
New York
Landlords have 14 days from the time the tenant vacates the premises to provide the tenant with an itemized statement of any deductions to be taken from the security deposit and to return any remaining balance.
New York landlords who fail to return their tenants’ security deposits can be liable for amounts of up to 2X the deposit, plus the amount wrongfully withheld.
North Carolina
Landlords normally have 30 days after a tenant moves out to return a security deposit by mail or in person.
For landlords who fail to honor this obligation, the penalty for late return can be the amount due, plus attorneys’ fees.
North Dakota
Every landlord shall return the security deposit within 2 weeks after the termination of the tenancy through the last known tenant’s address or a written statement showing specific reasons for withholding the deposit or a portion of it.
The penalty for late return is capped at 3X the amount due, plus reasonable court costs.
Landlords have a time limit to return their tenant’s security deposit within 30 days of move-out. Any deductions made must be included in a written itemized list when returning any security deposit owed back to the tenant.
The penalty for late return is 2X the amount due, plus attorney fees.
The landlord should return the security deposit without interest to the tenant within 45 days after the termination of the tenancy.
The penalty for late return is the amount due, plus court and attorney fees.
Landlords must return security deposits, minus any deductions, within 31 days of a tenant moving out. Landlords must deliver deposits directly to the tenants or send them via first-class mail to a tenant’s last known address.
The penalty for late return of a tenant’s security deposit is 2X the amount due, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
If the landlord has no deductions to make from the tenant’s security deposit, the tenant has the right to have their deposit returned within 30 days of moving out.
The penalty for unlawful withholding is 2X the amount due.
Rhode Island
The landlord shall deliver the notice, together with the amount of the security deposit due to the tenant within 20 days after the letter of termination of tenancy.
The penalty for late return is 2X the deposit, plus reasonable attorneys’ fees.
South Carolina
Upon termination of the tenancy, property or money held by the landlord as a security deposit must be returned within 30 days after the tenant moves out.
The penalty for late return is 3X the amount due, plus attorney fees.
South Dakota
Every landlord shall return the security deposit within 2 weeks after the termination of the tenancy through the last known tenant’s address or a written statement showing specific reasons for withholding the deposit or a portion of it.
The penalty for late return is the deposit amount, plus $200 and court costs.
The landlord must send a notification to the last known address of the tenant. This should include the itemized list of the damages and the amount of the deposit owed to the tenant.
If the tenant does not respond to this request within 60 days, the landlord can remove the deposit from the account, the tenant will no longer have any rights to it.
Unlike most other states, there is no statutory penalty amount for security deposits returned late.
A landlord has 30 days from the date the tenant moves out to return her security deposit to her. An exception to this rule exists if the tenant does not provide a forwarding address.
In this case, a landlord does not have to make any effort to return the deposit until the tenant provides it to him.
In Texas, late return of a tenant’s security deposit can attract a penalty of 3X the amount due, plus $100 and attorney fees.
Landlords have 30 days after a tenant’s move-out or 15 days after receiving a tenant’s forwarding address, whichever is later, to return the portion of the security deposit owed back to the tenant.
Landlords who fail in this responsibility can become liable for paying the tenant the full deposit amount, plus $100 in damages.
A landlord shall return the security deposit along with a written statement itemizing any deductions to a tenant within 14 days from the date of the tenant’s move-out.
Vermont landlords who unlawfully withhold a tenant’s security deposit can become liable for paying them 2X the deposit, court- and attorney fees.
Landlords have 45 days from the tenant’s move-out and termination of the lease to return a tenant’s security deposit.
The penalty for late return is the amount due, plus damages and attorneys’ fees.
Landlords have 14 days from the date of lease termination or the tenant’s move-out date to return the portion of the security deposit owed to the tenant. If applicable, landlords must include a written notice stating the amount of money being withheld and why.
The penalty for late return is 2X the deposit, plus reasonable court and attorney fees.
West Virginia
Upon termination of the tenancy, any security deposit held by the landlord, minus any deductions for damages must be paid within 20 days after the tenants move out.
Landlords who withhold a tenant’s security deposit unlawfully can be liable for 2.5X the amount due, plus court costs.
A landlord has 21 days from the move-out date to return all, or a portion of the tenant’s security deposit. The deposit must be sent by mail or must be delivered in person to the tenant’s last known address.
The penalty for late return is capped at 2X the amount due, plus court- and attorney fees.
After termination of the rental agreement, the security deposit shall be refunded by the landlord to the tenant within 10 days of a satisfactory showing that all utility charges incurred by the tenant have been paid.
The penalty for late return of a tenant’s security deposit is the amount itself, plus court costs.
So, do you get your security deposit back when you move out? Absolutely, as a tenant, it’s your right to get a refund of your security deposit, minus allowable deductions, after moving out.
If the landlord fails to return it within the specified timeframe, you can sue them for its return in a small claims court.
Disclosure: The content herein isn’t a substitute for advice from a professional attorney. It’s only meant to serve educational purposes. If you have a specific question, kindly seek expert attorney services.

Hi, I’m Kelvin Nielsen, an experienced landlord and accomplished real estate lawyer. My focus is on answering your questions about renting in the hopes of making your life as a renter or a landlord a bit easier.