free legal advice for tenants in Florida

Free Legal Advice for Tenants in Florida: Know Your Rights!

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Last Updated on March 18, 2024 by Kelvin Nielsen

If you’re a tenant in Florida, you have specific rights and responsibilities that you need to be aware of. These rights cover everything from the condition of the property you’re renting to the process of eviction.

Understanding these rights is essential to ensure you’re not taken advantage of by your landlord. Fortunately, there are free legal advice and services available to help you navigate these issues.

Florida law provides tenants with certain rights, including the right to live in a safe and clean home, the right to peaceful enjoyment of the property, and the right to complain if something is wrong.

However, tenants also have responsibilities, such as paying rent on time and keeping the property clean and well-maintained. Legal aid organizations in Florida can help tenants understand their rights and responsibilities and provide free legal advice on issues such as eviction, security deposits, and lease agreements.

Accessing free legal services and advice in Florida is easy. There are several online resources available, including virtual legal advice clinics and websites that provide information on tenant rights.

Additionally, legal aid organizations throughout the state offer free legal services to low-income tenants. By taking advantage of these services, you can ensure that you’re fully informed about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in Florida.

Key Takeaways

  • Tenants in Florida have specific rights and responsibilities that they need to be aware of.
  • Legal aid organizations in Florida offer free legal services and advice to low-income tenants.
  • Accessing free legal services and advice in Florida is easy through virtual legal advice clinics and online resources.

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Understanding Tenant Rights and Responsibilities in Florida

As a tenant in Florida, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities under the law. This will help you avoid legal disputes with your landlord and ensure that you are living in a safe and habitable environment. Here are some key areas to be aware of:

Lease and Rental Agreements

Whether you have a written lease or are renting on a month-to-month or week-to-week basis, it is important to understand the terms of your rental agreement. Your lease or rental agreement should outline the responsibilities of both you and your landlord, including the amount of rent, the length of the rental term, and any restrictions on the use of the property.

Security Deposits and Repairs

When you move in, your landlord may require you to pay a security deposit. This deposit is meant to cover any damages you may cause to the property during your tenancy. Your landlord is required to return your security deposit within 15 days of the end of your tenancy, minus any deductions for damages.

Your landlord is also responsible for making necessary repairs to the property, such as fixing plumbing or electrical problems. If your landlord fails to make repairs, you may be able to withhold rent or terminate your lease.

Eviction Process and Protections

If you fall behind on rent or violate the terms of your lease, your landlord may seek to evict you. However, Florida law provides several protections for tenants facing eviction. Your landlord must provide you with a written notice of the eviction and give you seven days to pay any past due rent or cure any other violation of the lease.

If you are unable to resolve the issue with your landlord, you may have to go to court. It is important to seek legal advice and services if you are facing eviction. Florida legal aid programs may be able to provide you with free legal information or virtual legal advice clinics to help you navigate the eviction process.

Understanding your tenant rights and responsibilities in Florida can help you avoid legal disputes and ensure that you are living in a safe and habitable environment. If you have any questions or concerns, it is important to seek legal advice and services from an attorney or legal aid program.

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Accessing Free Legal Services and Advice In Florida

If you are a tenant in Florida and need legal advice or services, there are several resources available to you. Here are some ways to access free legal help:

Local Legal Aid Organizations

There are many local legal aid organizations in Florida that provide free legal services to low-income individuals. Some of these organizations include Pinellas County Housing Authority and Hillsborough County Community Legal Services. These organizations provide legal education, advice, and representation in areas such as family law, public benefits, and housing.

Online Resources and Virtual Clinics

Florida has several online resources and virtual clinics that provide free legal advice and information. One such resource is Florida Law Help, which provides legal information and resources on a variety of topics, including housing and consumer rights. Another resource is Florida Free Legal Answers, a virtual legal advice clinic where qualifying users can post their civil legal questions and receive legal information and advice from attorney volunteers.

Community and Government Support

Many communities and local governments in Florida offer support for tenants in need of legal assistance. For example, the City of Tampa has a lawyer referral service that connects residents with local attorneys who can provide legal advice and representation. Additionally, the Florida Bar Foundation provides support to legal aid programs throughout the state, including those that serve seniors and victims of domestic violence.

In conclusion, if you are a tenant in Florida and need legal advice or services, there are several free resources available to you. Whether you need help with housing issues, consumer rights, or family law, there are organizations and programs that can provide you with the assistance you need.

Disclosure: The content herein isn’t a substitute for advice from a professional attorney. It’s only meant to serve educational purposes. If you have a specific question, kindly seek expert attorney services.

Sources: FL Statutes Chapter 83 Part II, Florida Renters Rights Guide, Types of Free Legal Services,

1 thought on “Free Legal Advice for Tenants in Florida: Know Your Rights!”

  1. Hello there!
    In November, 2023, My girlfriend & I signed a year lease on a 3 bed 2 bath Florida home for $2,980 per month. From the beginning, the property manager & owner have been slow to respond in making repairs. To date, we are still unable to use the tub/ shower in the second bathroom. At this point, we no longer want to stay in the house. How could we go about legally voiding the lease & perhaps pursue recouping moving costs we would incur?

    *We do have all correspondence & timelines.

    Signed; More than frustrated

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